Bonding Information
In County Inmates: If bond has been set, every effort will be made to allow an inmate to arrange bond.
Cash/Surety Bonds: If you are posting a bond for an inmate who has a C/S Bond, you will have to pay ten percent of the bond amount in cash only. If you are supplying the funds necessary to bond an inmate, bring the funds to the Mitchell County Law Enforcement Center (exact cash only will be accepted) unless you have made other arrangement directly with the Bonding Agent.
Cash Only Bonds: If you are posting a bond for an adult offender who has a cash only bond, you will be required to pay the full amount of the bond (exact cash only will be accepted).
Mitchell County Jail Approved Bonding Agents: Click Here
**The court must set bond for any inmate charged with a Felony and it could take up to 48 hours for bond to be set.
Out of County(Housing Only) Inmates: All inquiries regarding bond, charges, court dates etc., should be directed to the county the inmate was arrested in or serving time for.